Laser Hair Removal

Neodymium laser hair removal works through the light energy that transforms into heat when it enters the tissue, generating a sufficient temperature increase to disintegrate the hair follicle and damage the functional unit that generates hair. The number of sessions needed depends on the specific characteristics of each person: skin type and pigmentation, hair color and thickness, hormone levels, gender, and age.

The growth of body hair is subject to hormonal influences, which is why its complete disappearance cannot be guaranteed. Hormonal changes can produce new generations of hair throughout life, which is why it is recommended to have maintenance sessions every 2 or 3 years after completing the treatment.

The duration of the sessions depends on the area being treated but ranges from 5 minutes (small areas) to 30 minutes (larger areas).

Number of Sessions

The sessions should be repeated every 4 to 6 weeks so that the hair that was in the resting phase has completely emerged at the time of the next depilation.



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Before and After
